Business Sales Leads & Appointments Generation

Cancellation Policy

What is a lead?
A lead shall contain the contact details of an individual or company or a website provided by Sales Leads Force.

What is a rejected lead?

  1. Application from a person below 18 years old
  2. Fraudulent application
  3. Leads that contain false names
  4. None of the contact details (email, phone etc) are not valid.
  5. Duplicate leads

A reject is not

  1. if you change your mind and not ready to accept leads from us after applying it.
  2. if the phone number can be validated from phone directory services etc
  3. if the phone is ringing and goes to answering machine, but you are not able to talk to the person.

If you want to reject a lead, then inform SalesLeadsForce within exactly 7 days of receiving the lead. SalesLeadsForce will work on reviewing the rejected lead within 7 working days since you reported us and ensure the appropriate outcome in line with our reject policy.